How does KLIKenHUUR work?
KLIKenHUUR is a website on which landlords can offer accommodation and on which you can view the availability of housing for free. In case you, as candidate tenant, want to respond to an available accommodation, you need to subscribe to the foundation KLIKenHUUR. The fee for this subscription is €35,- for a 3 month period. After subscribing, KLIKenHUUR connects candidate tenants and landlords. KLIKenHUUR solely fulfills this facilitating role.
With a subscription, you can respond to available accommodations for 3 months on the website KLIKenHUUR, with a maximum of 3 responses per week. This means that with one subscription, you’ll have a maximum of 39 responses.
There is a maximum of 15 responses per available accommodation. For this reason, there is a higher chance that you, as a candidate tenant, will find a suitable accommodation through KLIKenHUUR than through most of the alternative websites.
How does the procedure work?
A landlord places an ad on the website of KLIKenHUUR, including the selection criteria, and sets a final date until when candidate tenants can respond to the ad. When there are sufficient interested candidate tenants the following steps will be taken:
Selection criteria: read more.
Municipality reporting point:
On July 1st 2023 the law Goed Verhuurderschap came into effect. This law offers better protection to tenants and home seekers against undesirable behavior of landlords. This legislation obliges the municipality to set up a reporting point before the 1st of January 2024 where tenants and others can report undesirable behavior by landlords. Tenants can also ask questions regarding their rental. The municipality can use these notifications for enforcement. Moreover, the municipality can introduce new regulations regarding rental.